Monday, November 19, 2007

Meaningless Ramblings to Most.

So lately I have been feeling unlike myself. It isn't all my fault, it's the people in my life, things they have done, and things they haven't. For example, this past weekend I was hanging out with a few friends cause it was someones birthday, the party wasn't til later in the night at another kids house. I wasn't planning on goin to the party but my friend turns to me and was like i would invite you but were trying to keep it small, I didn't mind that i understood then she gets a phone call from this other guy whom she rarely knows and somehow invites him to go with no questions asked, fucked up ain't it.

that was just this weekend. today i get the news my grandpa is goin back into intensive care, and for those who didn't know my grandpa has been in the hospital for the past 3 months and i have only had the chance to visit once, Thursday i will be goin.

top it all off, the girl that i have shown an interest in, and whom seemed to have interest in me decided we can only be best friends, and thats all. so in a nutshell this week has not been goin my way.

on a brighter side i get to hang out with PZ my best friend whom has always been there for me tomorrow night. so later, this is the first of many.

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